Nambucca Heads to Urunga Pacific Highway Upgrade
Project Overview
Client: Roads & Maritime Services
Length: 22 km
Duration: February 2013 to July 2016
Value: $780 million
Contract type: D&C
Works undertaken
The Nambucca to Urunga highway project involved the construction of approximately 22 kilometres of four-lane divided road, built to Class-M (motorway) standards. This stretch extends from south of the North Coast rail overbridge at Nambucca Heads to the existing interchange with Waterfall Way at Raleigh. The upgrade enhances connectivity and traffic flow with the introduction of new grade-separated interchanges and significant infrastructure improvements.
Project Highlights
Highway Construction: 22 kilometres of four-lane divided highway built to Class-M (motorway) standards.
Bridges and Overpasses:
Total Bridges: 37 bridges constructed.
Twin Bridges: 14 twin bridges built.
Highway Overpasses: Six highway overpasses added.
New Interchanges: At Ballard’s Road and Nambucca Heads.
Upgraded Interchange: At Waterfall Way.
Additional Facilities: A new Highway Service Centre at Nambucca Heads interchange.
Major Crossings: New major crossing over the Kalang River.
Challenges Addressed included:
Acid sulphate soils at various locations throughout the alignment
Soft soils requiring CMC and soil wick solutions at differing locations
Amount of natural spring water encountered in many cuts
Soil and erosion controls required to deal with high intensity rain events
Initial access along site and over Kalang River
Ausling's Role:
Onsite Team: Included a Resident Engineer, two Assistant Resident Engineers, two Senior Project Engineers, four Project Surveillance Officers, an Administration Officer, an Environmental Manager, an Environmental Officer and a Document Controller.
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