Ocean Drive Duplication
Project Overview
Client: Port Macquarie Hastings Council
Length: 3.4 km’s
Duration: May 2022 to expected late 2025
Value: $111 million
Contract type: GC21
Works to be undertaken
The Ocean Drive Upgrade project focuses on enhancing a 3.4-kilometre stretch of road between Greenmeadows Drive and Matthew Flinders Drive. The project aims to improve traffic flow, safety, and infrastructure while accommodating cyclists and protecting local wildlife. Ausling is playing a key role, with their team providing significant onsite management and engineering support.
Key elements of the project include:
• Upgrading the existing two-lane road to a dual carriageway.
• Extending 3.4 kilometres from Greenmeadows Drive to Matthew Flinders Drive.
• Upgrading five intersections, with three roundabouts being converted to signalised intersections.
• Most construction within the existing road reserve, with some isolated property adjustments.
• Creation of a shared path along the length of the project.
• Provision for on-road cyclists.
• Installation of koala fauna fencing.
• Construction of significant retaining structures to achieve the desired road geometry.
• Extension of existing arch structures.
• Adjustments to various water and sewer services including installation of a new trunk water main, to improve the Council’s water supply network.
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